Store temporary files to specified directory. Maximal time to wait until a guest system is stopped (minutes). Prune older backups according to prune-backups. If there is morethan one backup for a single year, only the latest one is kept. Keep backups for the last different years. If there is morethan one backup for a single week, only the latest one is kept. Keep backups for the last different weeks. If there is morethan one backup for a single month, only the latest one is kept. Keep backups for the last different months. If there is morethan one backup for a single hour, only the latest one is kept. Keep backups for the last different hours. If there is morethan one backup for a single day, only the latest one is kept. Keep backups for the last different days. Conflicts with the other options when true. Needs to be a single line, newline and backslash need to be escaped as \n and \\ respectively. Currently supported are, but more might be added in the future. It can contain variables which will be replaced by their values. Template string for generating notes for the backup(s). Maximal number of backup files per guest system.

Maximal time to wait for the global lock (minutes).Ĭomma-separated list of email addresses or users that should receive email notifications.ĭeprecated: use prune-backups instead. Paths starting with / are anchored to the container’s root, other paths match relative to each subdirectory. Store resulting files to specified directory.Įxclude certain files/directories (shell globs). Guest-fsfreeze-freeze and guest-fsfreeze-thaw to improve Guest agent is enabled ( agent: 1) and running, it calls It works by performing a Proxmox VE liveīackup, in which data blocks are copied while the VM is running. This mode provides the lowest operation downtime, at the cost of a Since suspending the VM results inĪ longer downtime and does not necessarily improve the dataĬonsistency, the use of the snapshot mode is recommended instead. This mode is provided for compatibility reason, and suspends the VMīefore calling the snapshot mode. Operation mode if it was previously running.

After the backup is started, the VM goes to full Orderly shutdown of the VM, and then runs a background QEMU process toīackup the VM data. This mode provides the highest consistency of the backup, at the cost