NOTE: It will prompt you to add the server to your list of known hosts. You can also copy whole directories using the '-r' option: You can also reverse the paths to send files to the server. Where username is your CAEDM username, ~/path/to/desired/file is the path to the file you want (starting in your J drive directory) and path/to/destination/ is the path to the directory (on your own machine) in which you want to put the file in question. Open a terminal and use the 'scp' command. Once you have logged in, you should be able to see your J drive in WinSCP and copy files/folders from it to your own machine. Run WinSCP, and create a new connection to:.It offers an easy to use GUI to copy files between a local and remote computer using multiple protocols: Amazon S3, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP or WebDAV. The portable executable does not require installation. WinSCP is a popular free SFTP and FTP client for Windows, a powerful file manager that will improve your productivity. Get the installation package if you're using your own machine, and the portable executable if you're on a work/school computer.

Using SCP requires a connection to an sshd server. It is availible by default for both Macintosh and Linux systems. The latest version we have is 5.21.8 and is available to download here. If you downloaded the portable executable. Assuming you downloaded the WinSCP-Setup.exe by clicking on the Installation package link, we are now ready to install WinSCP. With software released under the open source GPLv3 license, anybody can download, install, run and distribute the software with little in terms of restrictions. Head over to the WinSCP download page of the official site and click on the Installation package or the Portable executables download link.

It's Windows client is WinSCP, which can be downloaded here. WinSCP is a free application released under the GPLv3 license on Windows from FTP clients. SCP ( Secure Co Py) is a method of remotely accessing files. This video contains a discussion about using WinSCP to access J Drive files.